Parallels And Contrasts Between Indonesian And Hungarian Contemporary Art (Considering The History Of Art)

Sipos Eszter


Comparing different cultures can give us a new perspective on how we look at the world we see and the art within it. My research is about the differences and similarities between Hungary and Indonesia, both in the personal fields and in the national aspect. After experiencing the reception and creation of art in both countries, I can draw a conclusion and use my experience in my further works. In the following pages I contrast two not only distant cultures but very different contemporary art through the works of well-known artists. However, another important part of the research is to find the similarities and the phenomenon that connects these two particular civilizations. The question arose in me as to whether it was possible to find aspects that could be found in both places. Art is global, the aim is the same. What is the purpose of art? Each country and each individual finds the answer to this central question on its own. What provided the foundations for contemporary art in Europe? Is sacredness present in art nowadays?

Membandingkan budaya yang berbeda dapat memberi perspektif baru tentang bagaimana dunia dipandang beserta seni yang ada didalamnya. Penelitian ini mengenai perbedaan dan persamaan antara Hungaria dan Indonesia, baik dalam aspek pribadi maupun dalam bidang nasional. Setelah mengalami resepsi dan penciptaan seni di kedua negara, dapat ditarik kesimpulan dan menggunakan pengalaman peneliti dalam karya-karya selanjutnya. Pada bagian berikutnya, dilakukan perbandingan mengontraskan tidak hanya dua budaya yang jauh, tetapi juga seni kontemporer yang sangat berbeda melalui karya-karya seniman terkenal. Namun, bagian penting lain dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan persamaan dan fenomena yang menghubungkan dua peradaban tertentu ini.


contemporary art, Indonesia, Hungary, cultures, comparison, sacredness.

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