Fotografi seni media daun yang menampilkan para maestro seni di Bali adalah sebuah proses karya cipta fotografi yang kental dengan seni budaya tradisi Bali yang mengabadikan sosok-sosok seniman dengan keahlian yang mumpuni di bidangnya masing-masing. Karya foto seni cetak media daun ini menampilkan lima sosok maestro seni di Bali diantaranya bidang seni tari, seni lukis dan seni karawitan dan seni pedalangan di Bali. Karya foto ini merupakan ide pencipta yang ingin mengabadikan eksistensi ‘Sang Maestro' di usia senjanya sekaligus sebagai bentuk apresiasi pencipta terhadap gagasan/ide/karya para maestro yang tela berdedikasi di bidangnya. Metode penciptaan foto potret maestro pada media daun melalui lima tahapan yakni: (1)Observasi; (2)Perancangan; (3)Pemotretan; (4)Perwujudan; (5)Pengemasan. Setelah melalui kelima tahapan tersebut terciptalah sebuah karya foto potret maestro seni di Bali yang dicetak pada media daun dengan menggunakan teknik cetak klorofil (Chlorophyl print) dengan bantuan tenaga surya (matahari) tanpa bahan-bahan kimia dalam proses cetaknya. Harapan pencipta melalui karya ini adalah tetap berkarya menciptakan karya seni berupa foto tanpa merusak lingkungan alam akibat penggunaan bahan-bahan kimia, serta turut menjaga sustainability dan mendukung gerakan Go Green yang sedang digalakkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia.
Portraits of Maestro in Bali on Leaf Print. Art photography using leaf as the medium to feature the art maestros in Bali is a photography creation which is rich in traditional Balinese culture, capturing the artists with their own expertise. Leaf print art photography presenting five figures of art maestros in Bali, they are I Nyoman Sumandi, I Komang Astita, Prof I Wayan Dibia, Prof I Made Bandem, and I Nyoman Erawan. This photo work was the idea of the photographer who wanted to perpetuate the existence of “The Maestro” in the old age as well as a form of appreciation for his idea or concept or the work of the maestro who have been very dedicated in their expertise. The medhod of leaf print photography went through five stages, namely: (1) Observation; (2) Design; (3) Photo shoots; (4) Embodiment; (5)Packaging. The portraits of the Balinese maestros were printed on leaves and processed using the chlorophyl print topped up with the sun rays, along with some chemical materials during the process itself. It is hoped that creating photography using such technique will help save the nature by using less chemical products, and hopefully it will maintain the sustainability and the Go Green campaign promoted by the Government of Indonesia.
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/specta.v6i2.8523
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