Yulli Adam Panji Purnama, Tohari Tohari



Fotografi sebagai media meditasi belum diketahui banyak orang, baik tujuan maupun manfaatnya. Meditasi (Manekung) sejak dulu banyak dilakukan saat suasana hening, serta peluapan emosi menuju ketenangan pikir dan hati, dengan capaian kesadaran diri sebagai mahluk ciptaan yang Maha Kuasa. Suasana hening, ditangkap indrawi dengan  mengutamakan olahan peka rasa, divisualkan melalui karya fotografi hitam putih, berkesan lebih menonjolkan nuansa keheningan yang semakin sepi. Permasalahan yang diselesaikan yaitu produksi karya foto hening melalui proses meditasi. “Hening” berupa cipta karya fotografi, prosesnya menerapkan pendekatan Practice-led Research yang dilakukan melalui studi praktik dengan memokuskan pada refleksi visual keheningan. Kreativitas pengkaryaan fotografi berlokasi di pesisir, dengan berbagai benda, dan alam beserta lingkungan sebagai subjek penciptaannya. Penciptaan foto hening menerapkan tiga tahap: pertama, tahap praproduksi, dilakukan observasi dan eksplorasi suasana di berbagai tempat pesisir, diperoleh gambaran subjek tanggul muara batu, kincir air, ombak, batang kayu, serta lainnya, dengan pedoman konsep sesuatu yang hening; kedua, tahap produksi, proses pewujudan dengan memotret suasana keheningan yang dibarengi meditasi dan kontemplasi, serta aktivitas penyuntingan karya fotografi hitam putih; dan ketiga, pascaproduksi, penyajian dan publikasi karya. Hasil penciptaan karya fotografi berupa refleksi visual bernuasa hening, yang diselimuti ketenangan, kesepian, dan menyendiri.


Visual reflection of “Silent” in meditation. Photography as a medium for meditation is not yet known to many people, neither its purpose nor its benefits. Meditation (Manekung) has long been done in times of silence, as well as the release of emotions leading to peace of mind and heart, with the achievement of self-awareness as an Almighty-created being. The atmosphere of silence, captured by the senses by prioritizing sensitive processing, is visualized through black and white photography, highlighting the increasingly quiet nuance of silence. The problem being solved is the production of silent photo works through a meditation process. "Silence" takes the form of creating photographic works; the method applies a Practice-led Research approach, which is carried out through practical studies by focusing on the visual reflection of silence. The creativity of photography works is located on the coast, with various objects, nature, and the environment as the subjects of its creation. The creation of silent photos applies three stages: first, Pre-production, observations and exploration of the atmosphere in various coastal locations are carried out, images are obtained of the subject of estuary embankments, waterwheels, waves, logs, and others, guided by the concept of something silent; second, the production stage, the realization process by photographing an atmosphere of silence accompanied by meditation and contemplation, as well as the activity of editing black and white photography works; and third, post-production, presentation and publication of the work. The results of the creation of photographic works are visual reflections with a silent atmosphere shrouded in calm, loneliness, and solitude.


silence, photography, photo creation.


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