Perkembangan teknologi menyebabkan hasil imaji fotografi dan Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) dalam konteks arsitektur semakin mirip. Hal ini yang melatarbelakangi penelitian tentang unsur fotografis pada ranah teknis dan kreatif dalam CGI. Kemiripan hasil imaji fotografi dengan CGI menjadikan keduanya sulit dibedakan sehingga menimbulkan pertanyaan apakah unsur-unsur fotografis diterapkan dalam imaji CGI arsitektur. Oleh sebab itu, dilakukan penelitian untuk menunjukkan unsur-unsur fotografis dalam lingkup teknis dan kreatif pada imaji CGI arsitektur. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif serta penyajian data secara deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dalam CGI arsitektur terdapat unsur-unsur fotografis yang terlihat dari proses penciptaan imaji hingga hasil imaji CGI arsitektur, dengan menerapkan aspek teknis dan kreatif baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.
Technical and Creative Photographics Elements in the Visual Representation of Architectural CGI. Technological developments have caused the result of image creation in photography and Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) on architectural contexts to become increasingly similar. This issue was made as the background for research on CGI's technical and creative photographic elements. The similarity between photography images and CGI makes it challenging to differentiate between the two, thus raising the question of whether photographic elements are applied in architectural CGI images. Therefore, research was carried out to show photographic elements in architectural CGI images' technical and creative scope. The study was conducted using qualitative methods and presenting data descriptively. The analysis results showed that in architectural CGI, visible photographic elements are starting from the image creation process to the architectural CGI image results by applying technical and creative aspects directly or indirectly.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/specta.v7i2.10604
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