Teknik Stimulasi dalam Pendidikan Karakter Anak Usia Dini melalui Lirik Lagu Dolanan
Media musik melalui lirik lagu dolanan anak dapat membantu pembentukan karakater padaanak usia dini. Anak-anak dapat merasakan kehadiran musik sebagai sarana untuk menemani aktivitasdalam bermain. Teknik stimulasi melalui media musik ternyata memiliki dampak positif dalamperkembangan pembentukan emosional anak. Anak-anak bisa terkontrol emosinya dari kebiasaanyang tidak baik. Penelitian ini memakai teknik stimulasi melalui pemaknaan lirik lagu dolanan anakyang dapat membentuk karakter anak pada usia dini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptifkualitatif yang mendeskripsikan secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta, sifat, sertahubungan antara fenomena yang diselidiki. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasikan contoh pemaknaanlagu dolanan anak yang dapat membantu dalam pembentukan karakter pada anak-usia dini. Anakdapat menggali nilai-nilai kehidupan dari makna pada lirik lagu dolanan berupa nilai pendidikan,pengetahuan, religius, sosial, dan budaya.
The Stimulation Technique on the Character Education of Early Age Children through theLyrics of Children’s Song. The music media through the children’s song lyrics can help building the childrencharacter of the early age children. Children can feel the presence of the music as the media for accompanyingthe children’s play activities. The stimulation technique through the music media, in fact, has the positiveimpact in developing the children emotional building. The children are able to control their emotion awayfrom the bad habits. The aim of the research is to find the appropriate stimulation technique through theunderstanding of the children’s song lyrics which can be used to build children character in the early age.This research uses a qualitative descriptive method describing systematic, factual, and accurate informationon the facts, nature, and the relationship between the phenomena investigated. The result of the researchhas been identified by some examples of children’s songs which can help children in their character buildingsince the early age. Children can explore their values of life from the meanings on the children’s song lyricswhich consist of values on education, knowledge, religious, social, and culture.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/resital.v15i1.801
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