Jurnalisme Investigasi Televisi di Kompas TV Jakarta (Studi Analisis Isi Kuantitatif pada Naskah Berita “Berkas Kompas”)
Lembaga penyiaran Televisi berupaya menyiarkan program yang diminati penonton. Program berita televisi disajikan dengan menyelidiki fakta dari sumber informasi yang kompeten. Agar dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, wartawan melakukan investigasi untuk mengetahui kebenaran informasi sebelum disiarkan. Program Berkas Kompas telah memperoleh penghargaan Piala Adinegoro pada tahun 2011 dan 2014., Winner Agrarian Reform Media Award 2018 dan Winner Anugerah Jurnalistik Polri 2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Analisis Isi Kuantitatif dengan syarat tertulis dan terdokumentasi, menggunakan rumus Slovin untuk menentukan sampel. Teknik analisa data Uji Reliabilitas dengan Rumus Holsti. Penyajian berita pada acara “Berkas Kompas” dilihat dari sumber berita investigasi beritanya mayoritas berita melihat langsung dari media online. Reporter Berkas Kompas sebelum memilih materi berita melakukan hunting ke lapangan dan mencari materi melalui media online. Penyajian berita “Berkas Kompas” di Kompas TV Jakarta dilihat dari penelusuran narasumber memiliki ciri khas harus seimbang atau cover both side. Penyajian berita “Berkas Kompas” dilihat dari kualifikasi program investigasi mayoritas berita dengan sinkronisasi audio video terjaga dengan baik, dilihat dari keragaman/variasi narasumber, berita cukup seimbang, dan dilihat dari keragaman visual dan ungkapan narasi, berita cukup netral. Penyajian berita “Berkas Kompas” dilihat dari jenis kasus investigasi mayoritas dari sosial. Pertimbangan kebijakan redaksi liputan yang dilakukan berdasarkan pada mayoritas isu apa yang sedang berkembang.
Television Investigation Journalism (Quantitative Content Analysis Study on the News Script "Berkas Kompas"
Television broadcasting institutions try to broadcast programs that are of interest to the audience. Television news programs are served by investigating facts from competent sources of information. In order to be accounted for, journalists conduct investigations to find out the truth of the information before it is broadcast. Berkas Kompas Program has been awarded the Adinegoro Cup in 2011 and 2014, Winner of the 2018 Agrarian Reform Media Award and Winner of the 2018 National Police Journalistic Award. This research is a Quantitative Content Analysis Method research with written and documented requirements, using the Slovin formula to determine the sample. Data analysis techniques of Reliability Test is calculated with the Holsti Formula. The news presented in "Berkas Kompas" program, seen from investigative news sources, the majority of the news refer to online media. Before selecting the news materials, Berkas Kompas reporter is to get right in the field and search the news material through online media. The presentation of the "Berkas Kompas" news at Kompas TV Jakarta seen from the sources searching has a characteristic that must be balanced or cover both sides. The presentation of the "Berkas Kompas" seen from investigation program qualification shows that the majority of the news has well-maintained audio-video synchronization, seen from the diversity/variation of the sources, the news is quite balanced and seen from the visual diversity and narrative expressions, the news is quite neutral. The presentation of "Berkas Kompas" news seen from investigation case type shows that the majority is related to social issues. The considerations of the coverage editorial policy are based on the majority of issues that are developing.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/rekam.v16i2.4054
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