Konstruksi Keistimewaan Yogyakarta dalam Narasi Film-Film Kompetisi Produksi Dinas Kebudayaan Yogyakarta Tahun 2016-2017

Lilik Kustanto, Rr. Ari Prasetyowati, Ozhara Aisyia



Sejak Undang-undang Keistimewaan disahkan, Dinas Kebudayaan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) konsisten menggelar program kompetisi Pendanaan Pembuatan Film. Dalam genre fiksi dan dokumenter, film-film terpilih yang difasilitasi telah menafsirkan dinamika kebudayaan di DIY dengan cukup beragam. Asumsinya, film-film tersebut setidaknya mampu mewujudkan tata nilai budaya masyarakat yang berbasis pada nilai-nilai luhur budaya lokal. Namun demikian, beragamnya perspektif dan pendekatan yang digunakan sineas dalam produksi film kompetisi tentunya membangun realita baru akan narasi keistimewaan Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini akan memeriksa bagaimana konstruksi keistimewaan DIY dibagun lewat narasi film-film pemenang kompetisi pada dua tahun belakangan. Proses penelitian saat ini telah mencapai pada tahapan analisis struktur luar narasi kedua film kompetisi produksi Danais 2016-2017. Adanya ketidaksesuaian struktur narasi film-film dengan gagasan yang digunakan untuk menemukan struktur luar menurut Todorov justru menjadi tantangan besar dalam penelitian ini. Ketidaksesuaian ini sekaligus menjadi suatu penemuan yang penting saat keseluruhan proses analisis terselesaikan


Since the Privileges Law has been authorized, the Government Cultural Office of the Special Region of Yogyakarta has been consistently holding a film-making funding program. In the genres of fiction and documentary, the facilitated selected films have climbed the Cultural Revolution in the Special Region of Yogyakarta with quite a variety. The assumption is that those films are at least able to realize the cultural values of the society based on the noble values of the local culture. However, the variety of perspectives and approaches used by filmmakers in the production of competitive films, certainly builds a new reality of the Yogyakarta's distinctive narrative. This research will examine how the construction of the privileges of the Special Region of Yogyakarta is built through the narrative of the winning films of the competition in the past two years. The current research process has reached the stage of analysis of the outside narrative structure of the two 2016-2017 Danais production competition films. According to Todorov, the inconsistency in the narrative structure of the films, with the ideas which are used to find the outward structures, has become a major challenge in this research. This incompatibility is also an important discovery when the entire analysis process is resolved.


narrative; construction of privilege; Danais Competition Film

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/rekam.v15i1.3185

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