Proses Pembelajaran Teknik Melismatis dalam Repertoar Messiah Karya G.F. Handel pada Mata Kuliah Ensambel Vokal
Melismatic Technique Learning Process in Repertoire Messiah by G.F. Handel on Vocal Ensemble Courses. The vocal ensemble course in the Department of Music, Faculty of Performing Arts, the Indonesian Institute of the Arts in the even semester has a difficulty level that is more than the odd semester. The reason is that in odd semesters students have adapted to supporting subjects such as music theory, solfeggio, and harmony. Students who take this course come not only from major vocal instrument students but consist of all other instruments so that when they sing a song, there is still a sound that is still raw and has not been formed properly and correctly, especially when faced with a melody. melismatic length. Therefore, a repertoire that has a long melismatic melody becomes a mandatory repertoire in the even semester. The purpose of this study is to teach all students who take vocal ensemble courses to sing melismatic melodies properly and correctly. The research method used is the Classroom Action Research method. Where the researcher also acts as a teacher to identify classroom research and understand what is going on, while being involved in the improvement process. The application of staccato, legato and accent vocal techniques is the answer when faced with a repertoire that has a melismatic melody.
Keywords: Melismatic, Messiah, Vocal Ensemble
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