Wayang wong Lestari Budaya Donomulyo who was born and developed in rural communities
Donomulyo an individual and collective expression of the rural art style. This Wayang wong was founded in
1932 by R. Sanghadi as a palace of Yogyakarta Sultanate courtiers.This transformation and culture of
palace formality was a cultural diffusion of the cultural center of the (palace) to a small cultural center
(rural), thus giving birth to an art style that is different from the original. This diffusion certainly related to
the role Kridha Beksa Wirama in 1918 as an arts institution devoted to the general public, including people
from the countryside
The rural of wayang wong is a rustic contemporary art form of the distribution and development of the
foregoing, where the elements that influence complex either in a linear kesejarahannya of Kridha Beksa
Wirama and social culture. That is, in the process of formation of wayang wong arable quality, especially
choreography has a unique claim as the expression of which is produced by the artist that is a blend of rustic
palace of art with the art of rural tradition "ndeso". This traditional art is an art form that originates and
stems as well have been perceived as belonging to the arts community. Hasil accepted as tradition, the
inheritance devolved from the older to the younger generation.
Keyword : wayang wong, traditional, rural style, the diffusion
Donomulyo an individual and collective expression of the rural art style. This Wayang wong was founded in
1932 by R. Sanghadi as a palace of Yogyakarta Sultanate courtiers.This transformation and culture of
palace formality was a cultural diffusion of the cultural center of the (palace) to a small cultural center
(rural), thus giving birth to an art style that is different from the original. This diffusion certainly related to
the role Kridha Beksa Wirama in 1918 as an arts institution devoted to the general public, including people
from the countryside
The rural of wayang wong is a rustic contemporary art form of the distribution and development of the
foregoing, where the elements that influence complex either in a linear kesejarahannya of Kridha Beksa
Wirama and social culture. That is, in the process of formation of wayang wong arable quality, especially
choreography has a unique claim as the expression of which is produced by the artist that is a blend of rustic
palace of art with the art of rural tradition "ndeso". This traditional art is an art form that originates and
stems as well have been perceived as belonging to the arts community. Hasil accepted as tradition, the
inheritance devolved from the older to the younger generation.
Keyword : wayang wong, traditional, rural style, the diffusion
tari, joged, seni
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/joged.v3i1.58
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