The One Smart Piano Classroom: Integrasi Teknologi dalam Sekuen Belajar Piano
Sebagai salah satu cara alternatif yang berperan membentuk keterampilan bermain piano, konsep kelas pintar The One Smart Piano Classroom dinilai mempunyai keuntungan kompetitif yang mempunyai fungsi triggering, accelerating, dan sharpening. Triggering karena penggunaan teknologi membuat lompatan masuk ke dunia musik dari titik manapun seseorang belajar. Accelerating mempercepat pengembangan musikalitas murid, dan sharpening karena mampu mempertajam pedagogi musik konvensional sehingga lebih berorientasi dengan dunia nyata. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi integrasi The One dalam sekuen belajar piano dan kemudian berimplikasi pada skill pianistik yang terbentuk. Ditandai dengan adanya substitusi skor piano cetak dengan skor piano digital, teknologi diintegrasikan dalam setiap tahap dalam sekuen. Dengan kata lain, seluruh sekuen tidak lepas dari keberadaan jaringan berkabel dan nirkabel dalam teknologi The One. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus, analisis dilakukan dengan mengoperasionalkan kerangka pemikiran Ruben Puentedura tentang teori integrasi teknologi pendidikan SAMR. Hasil menunjukkan adanya integrasi The One berimplikasi pada beberapa hal di antaranya peralatan, perlengkapan, infrastruktur, hingga skill pianistik meliputi pemahaman dan pengaplikasian konten tonal, konten ritme, aural, asosiasi verbal. Diketahui pula jika ditinjau dari prosesnya menuju target hasil belajar, integrasi dalam The One Smart Piano Classroom berlangsung hingga tahap redefinisi dengan beberapa catatan pergeseran makna.
The One Smart Piano Classroom: Integration of Technology in Piano Learning
As an alternative way that plays a role in shaping pianistic skills, the concept of The One Smart Piano Classroom is considered to have a competitive advantage that has the functions of triggering, accelerating, and sharpening. Triggering because of the use of technology makes the leap into the world of music from any point someone learns. Accelerating, accelerating the development of student musicality, and sharpening because it is able to sharpen conventional music pedagogy so that it is more oriented to the real world. This paper aims to evaluate The One's integration in piano learning sequences and then have implications for the formed pianistic skills. Characterized by the substitution of printed piano scores with digital piano scores, technology is integrated at each stage in the sequence. In other words, the whole sequence is inseparable from the existence of wired and wireless networks in The One technology. Using a case study approach, the analysis was carried out by operationalizing Ruben Puentedura's framework of the theory of integration of SAMR education technology. The results show the integration of The One has implications for several things including equipment, equipment, infrastructure, to pianistic skills including understanding and applying tonal content, rhythmic content, aural, verbal associations. It is also known that when viewed from the process towards the target of learning outcomes, integration in The One Smart Piano Classroom goes to the redefinition stage with some notes of shifting meaning.
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