Ni Luh Putu Ratna Suandari, Anung Rachman


Currently the outbreak of the covid-19 virus is increasingly rampant, where the covid-19 virus is a new virus, and the public is still lay with the covid-19 virus. Therefore, the Ministry of Health made public service advertisement (PSA) about covid-19 so that the public is more aware of the covid-19 virus and the life that must be lived at this time. However, this does not have a significant effect, because not many people visit and know about the ministry of health website. For the information submitted in the ministry of health PSA to be delivered, the creation of web advertisements for the Ministry of Health website needs to be designed to increase the audience that sees. Therefore, web ads would be created using Google Web Designer features designed with responsive design. In the creation of this web ad using sprint design method consisting of five stages, namely understand, diverge, decide, prototype, and validate. At these stages explained the process in designing web advertisements about Covid-19 PSA contained on the website of the Ministry of Health. In addition, in the process of designing web advertising from start to finish is done qualitatively. From the stage carried out in the design of web advertising was obtained the result that web ads help increase audience’s awareness about covid-19 PSA.



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