Fransisca Sherly Taju, Leony Agustine


This research aims to find out the visual representation of automotive print advertising, duck motors of 1960 - 1970 from the socio-cultural side. Starting with data collection, sample selection, and analyzing sample results with visual interpretation according to Gillian Rose (2001: 18), namely: (1) site of the production of an image, (2) site of the image it self, (3) site where it is seen by various audiences. This visual interpretation is understood about (1) technology, photography and print. (2) Composition, here can be interpreted aesthetic work, and (3) social, here can be interpreted with visual meaning in print media advertising. This research is qualitative research with a case study analysis approach. Through this research provides knowledge of the history of photography that initially advertising print media using manual drawing techniques, then switching to using photography techniques. Initially the ad only showed the product, but in the 1960s, print advertising not only appeared colorfully but also presented a female figure to accompany the products offered, in this case is a duck motorcycle automotive product. The ad model is defined not only as a decorator of the ad field, but in context provides a code that the selected model is tailored to the popularity and accompanying cultural entity.




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https://kumparan.com/ilham-bintang/artis-dana-christina 1w8h8RJmL39/full



DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/dkv.v1i2.6237

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