Miskomunikasi Visual dalam Poster Instagram Story acara Gelar Cipta Tata Rias 2019: Indonesian Folklore

Damara Alif Pradipta


Visual Communication Design is a science that uses the management of visual elements in the design process. Sometimes there are problems in designing a DKV work. One of these problems is the presence of visual miscommunication which means there is a lack synchronization between the message and the visual elements that exist. In this paper, we discuss the visual miscommunication contained in the Poster story Instagram from the event  named “Gelar Cipta Tata Rias 2019: Indonesian Folklore” which held by the 2015 class of Cosmetology Department, Surabaya State University. In discussing this poster, the author used the art critique method and got the result that there was a lack of synchronization between the visual elements of the poster and the theme of the event which themed “Indonesian Folklore”.



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/dkv.v1i2.4867

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