Analisis Wacana Kritis Komodifikasi Budaya Lokal pada Iklan Televisi (Studi Kasus Produk Frestea versi Hiphop Wedding)

Andika Indrayana


This paper aims to reveal local culture’s commodification of Frestea TV commercial using critical discourse analysis. Two main concepts of analysis were developed; micro structure and social contexts. Micro structure seeks the representation of the commodity, which based on verbal and visual elements. Verbal includes: theme, scheme, background, details, purpose, coherence, form of sentences, pronouns, lexical, and graphics. Visual includes: visual rhetoric and layout. Research finding shows that Frestea uses Solo’s wedding and hiphop culture as commodification, both mixed with parody concept. Also, in relation with social contexts, research results in the finding that the message of the ads do not represent the ‘real’ value of the local culture, which can lead to create delusion to the consumer. 



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