2D animated film with the title of "bullying" was intended as a medium to instill the values of Pancasila to elementary school children. With 2-dimensional film, children are expected to be easier to understand the values of Pancasila because basically at that age, children will be easier to capture the visual information. In addition to the 6-12 year old children are more likely to imitate things that are considered attractive by them. It can be seen from the influence of the film Upin Ipin, in the minds of the children of Indonesia. Moreover, it is still very rare animated films in Indonesia, especially those charged values of Pancasila, even rare animated films is precisely contrary to the values of Pancasila.
The process of designing 2D animation movie "bullying" encompasses the manufacturing phase of the synopsis, script (script) and the story board, character design and background design of animated films. Then proceed to the stage of visualization of the animated film that includes key animation process, In between and background as well as post-production process that includes dubbing, compose final, noise design and mastering. The method used in creating this animated film is a method of 5W + 1H Analysis. 5W + 1H is an overview of What, Why, Where, Who, when, and How. Benefits of this study was to design a media that can be used to embed the principles of Pancasila for children as the next generation in a way that is attractive and easy to accept.Full Text:
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