Pita Maha ‘Koalisi’ Estetik Seni Lukis Klasik Bali dengan Seni Rupa Modern

Arya Sucitra


Te current Balinese culture is the result
of the acculturation of the local culture and
those that come from outside the island. Te
acculturation process brings about a variety of styles
and ornamental hybrids that can be identifed
apparently in architecture, dance, clothing, and of
course visual art.
Tis paper attempts to fnd out the spirit of
the transformation by reading the history of art.
Te aesthetics of Balinese visual art is based on
the combination concept of the classical Balinese
painting and the Western modern art movements.
Te study is done by studying the achievements
accomplished by the Pita Maha. Signifcant
changes have taken place in the framework
of Balinese art. From the technical point of
view, the introduction of paper, plywood and
canvas as painting media provides new stylistic
opportunities. Meanwhile from the thematic
perspective, secularization of representation occurs;
it no longer performs the religious function but
holds an economic value. Strong influence of
modern science is seen at the organization of space
in the composition, perspective and anatomical
consideration. Wayang (shadow puppet) fgures are
not dominated by formal form anymore.


Balinese Art, Classical Art Kamasan, Puppet, Acculturation, Pita Maha

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/ars.v1i15.2819


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