Dr. M. Dwi Marianto, M.F.A.


Surrealism, which was coined in the First Manifesto o f Surrealism by Andre Breton in 1924,
indeed begun and was centred in Paris, before spreading nut to a number o f countries beyond F.urop?,
including the Pacific region. Interestingly, in the Surrealist international map published in 1929, France
was not there, and it was as i f the USA never existed, whereas it was the Pacific Regioti which was regarded
as the centre o f the world. The Parisian Surrealist highly appreciated art from the region. As a mutter offad,
there were really artists in a number o f countries, including Indonesia, who were well-accepted and
appropriated Surrealism according to their respected culture. In Yogyakarta, surrealists' works o f art
emerged phenomenally in the 1970s and have been continuously produced until now. Regarding
Indonesian surrealism, M. Dioi Marianto suggests that surrealism exists in any culture and society. The
Parisian culture did not come to Yogyakarta directly but through reproductions o f Surrealists’ w o rk
printed in Modem Art books. Images o f surrealist works were then seen and adopted by many artists as
uxiys o f producing surrealistic works o f art. In this resjyect it is more appropriate to regard the Parisian
Surrealism as having triggered surrealist virtual potentials or tendencies that hud indeed been embedded in
the culture and sub-cultures streaming through Yogyakarta as a state o f mind.
Keyu>ords: Surrealism, Parisian Surrealist, state o f mind


seni rupa, desain

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/ars.v1i4.244

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