HAK KEKAYAAN INTELEKTUAL: Selayang Pandang Tentang Hak Cipta, Paten dan Disain Industri
The Indonesian terms "HAKI" or "IIKI" which are equivalent to the English term Intellectual
Property Rights are considered as a new idea for Indonesians Nevertheless, the Indonesians are familiar
with the terms "Hak Cipta" "Paten" and '’Disain". Even though it is common that those words arc
applied in a sentence at the same time, e.g. 'mematenkan ciptaan" (the u>ord "paten" and "cipta '),
"disain yang sudah dipatenkan"(the words "disain"and "paten"), it is a complete mistake.
A creator as the subject o f "Hak Cipta " (copyright) is someone or a group o f people loho creates
something in afield o f science, art, and literature because ofhidfher/their inspiration.
An invertor, the subject o f "Paten" f Pa tent), is an individu or a group o f people who conducts an
activity o f solving a problem in technology. It can beaprocess orproduct.
A designer is someone or a group o f people who produces an industrial design. It can be in a form o f
shape, configuration, or composition (o f lines and colors, or the combination o f lines and colors) or the
combination o f them in a form o f 3-dimertsior. or 2-dimension that gives esthetic impression and can be
realized in a 3-dimensional o< 2-dimensional pattern. It can also be used to producc a product, object, or
industrial commodity and handycraft.
Key words: Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) HKI, copyright (Hak Cipta), Patent (Paten;,
Industrial Design (Disain Industri).
Property Rights are considered as a new idea for Indonesians Nevertheless, the Indonesians are familiar
with the terms "Hak Cipta" "Paten" and '’Disain". Even though it is common that those words arc
applied in a sentence at the same time, e.g. 'mematenkan ciptaan" (the u>ord "paten" and "cipta '),
"disain yang sudah dipatenkan"(the words "disain"and "paten"), it is a complete mistake.
A creator as the subject o f "Hak Cipta " (copyright) is someone or a group o f people loho creates
something in afield o f science, art, and literature because ofhidfher/their inspiration.
An invertor, the subject o f "Paten" f Pa tent), is an individu or a group o f people who conducts an
activity o f solving a problem in technology. It can beaprocess orproduct.
A designer is someone or a group o f people who produces an industrial design. It can be in a form o f
shape, configuration, or composition (o f lines and colors, or the combination o f lines and colors) or the
combination o f them in a form o f 3-dimertsior. or 2-dimension that gives esthetic impression and can be
realized in a 3-dimensional o< 2-dimensional pattern. It can also be used to producc a product, object, or
industrial commodity and handycraft.
Key words: Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) HKI, copyright (Hak Cipta), Patent (Paten;,
Industrial Design (Disain Industri).
seni rupa, desain
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/ars.v1i3.226
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