HAK KEKAYAAN INTELEKTUAL: Selayang Pandang Tentang Hak Cipta, Paten dan Disain Industri

F. Mursiati SH.


The Indonesian terms "HAKI" or "IIKI" which are equivalent to the English term Intellectual
Property Rights are considered as a new idea for Indonesians Nevertheless, the Indonesians are familiar
with the terms "Hak Cipta" "Paten" and '’Disain". Even though it is common that those words arc
applied in a sentence at the same time, e.g. 'mematenkan ciptaan" (the u>ord "paten" and "cipta '),
"disain yang sudah dipatenkan"(the words "disain"and "paten"), it is a complete mistake.
A creator as the subject o f "Hak Cipta " (copyright) is someone or a group o f people loho creates
something in afield o f science, art, and literature because ofhidfher/their inspiration.
An invertor, the subject o f "Paten" f Pa tent), is an individu or a group o f people who conducts an
activity o f solving a problem in technology. It can beaprocess orproduct.
A designer is someone or a group o f people who produces an industrial design. It can be in a form o f
shape, configuration, or composition (o f lines and colors, or the combination o f lines and colors) or the
combination o f them in a form o f 3-dimertsior. or 2-dimension that gives esthetic impression and can be
realized in a 3-dimensional o< 2-dimensional pattern. It can also be used to producc a product, object, or
industrial commodity and handycraft.
Key words: Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) HKI, copyright (Hak Cipta), Patent (Paten;,
Industrial Design (Disain Industri).


seni rupa, desain

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/ars.v1i3.226


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