Transformasi Naskah Lakon Macbeth (1603-1607) Karya William Shakespeare Ke Film Throne of Blood atau Kumonosu-Jo (1957) Karya Akira Kurosawa
Karya sastra (naskah drama) yang ditransformasi ke film sudah tidak asing lagi bagi penontonnya. Film pada sat ditayangkan maka baik penulis karya sastra yang ditransformasi maupun pembacanya akan menemui banyak perbedaan. Perbedaan tersebut juga ditemukan dalam transformasi naskah Macbeth karya William Shakespeare ke film Throne of Blood atau Kumonosu-Jo karya Akira Kurosawa yang menjadi objek material penelitian ini. Kreativitas film terhadap karya sastra aslinya disebabkan adanya perbedaan yang mendasar antara karya sastra dan film, yakni medium. Karya sastra dalam hal ini menggunakan medium bahasa, sedangkan film menggunakan medium gambar dan suara. Terdapat suatu peristiwa tertentu yang dapat dimunculkan dengan baik pada karya sastra, tetapi tidak dapat dimunculkan dalam film, atau sebaliknya. Penelitian ini membatasi pada perbedaan kernel dan satelit film terhadap karya sastra aslinya sehingga terlihat perbedaan alur film terhadap karya sastra aslinya. Perubahan fungsi yang menyebabkan perbedaan alur tersebut dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori intertekstual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah kernel dan satelit film lebih sedikit dibandingkan film karena tuntutan durasi. Film banyak memberikan variasi setting waktu dan tempat ataupun perubahan berupa penambahan tokoh dan alur sekaligus mengadakan penghilangan tokoh ataupun alur yang tidak memberikan peran penting dalam perkembangan penceritaan. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan adanya perubahan fungsi yang menghasilkan perbedaan alur antara karya sastra dan film.
The Text of the Play Macbeth Transformation (1603-1607) by William Shakespeare into Film Throne of Blood or Kumonosu-Jo (1957) by Akira Kuroswa. Transformation from play to film is one of the common literary works. The writer of the play and the readers of the literary, however, face many differences in the film as the result of transformation process. These differences are also found at both; a play Macbeth by William Shakespeare while the film Throne of Blood by Akira Kurosawa. These two literary works are the object of material in this research. The basic differences between a play and film are that each has its own medium. The medium of film is pictures and music’s. Meanwhile, the medium of novel is language. Thus, there could be a certain plot appeared in film but not in novel or vice versa. Furthermore; this research is merely limited on the differences of kernel and satellite between play and film. Eventually, the various changes of the function lead to the differences in plot. These changes of the function lead to the differences are analyzed by making use of intertextuality theory. The result of this research indicates that the number of kernel and satellite of film is fewer than the one of literary. It happens because of the limited duration of the time. Eventually, there are many variations of setting of time, of place, and of participants. Next, the final result of this research is that there are several changes of function which lead to the differences both in literary and film.
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