Giyah Supanggah: Trace of Artist of Wayang Topeng Dalang Klaten
The significance of this research is the transmission of cultural tradition art
from the descendants of Makaton (Somokaton) puppeteers, namely Jaka Purwa
Pandaya (father) and Widhi Harsono (grandfather). As an active heir, Giyah
Supanggah is a woman who becomes a puppeteer as well as dancer of wayang
topeng dalang, cut and make puppets, and deepen the knowledge and skills of
playing gamelan. Giyah is a figure of artist who has various artistic talents and
emancipation figure of Javanese women of her times. As a mask puppet dancer,
she is committed to preserving and developing the genre of performing arts
in order to survive and thrive. Giyah’s integrity is shown in the art activities
by establishing Sanggar Sekar Kedhaton in her home. It is expected that the
transmission of culture among the younger generation as the successor of
traditional art can take place. The present study belongs to a qualitative research
employing descriptive-analysis based on anthropological approach. It focuses
on the analysis of internalization process, socialization, and enculturation that
form Giyah as an active heir of puppeteer and dancer of wayang topeng dalang
from Klaten. The qualification of Giyah as a puppeteer and dancer contributes
to the preservation of traditional art marked by her reputation as a public figure
of a traditional artist. The purpose of this study is to know and describe the role
of Giyah as a bearer of traditional art as a legacy of local wisdom. The benefit
is to reveal the existence of a forum of creativity for the younger generation in
an effort to preserve and develop the art of tradition in order not to be extinct
faded by the times.
Keywords: Giyah Supanggah; female puppeteer; wayang topeng dalang
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