Reinterpretation of Becanang into the Musical Composition “Tupang Tinih”

Arlina Sari


“Tupang Tinih” is a work of music Karawitan composition who is based on canang selalu’s pattern in the art of becanang. Tupang tinih in Gayo’s language is mean overlaps, wich is in the pattern of canang selalu there are rhythm that overlaps each other. The little of this work is made according to the form of the work who is overlaps between the rhythm of canang selalu pattern. Tupang tinih in this context is meaning an artwork who is actualize the overlaps rhythm of the different not being an Karawitan music composition. The focus is the pattern of rhythm in the diminished and augmented. The difference not value in Tupang tinih artwork will actualize by the materials of work also the technique or in musically is like a dynamic change and tempo change. This artwork made with reinterpretation approach, which is using canang selalu and pattern of the canang as a material to make it through gong instrument and talempong as a medium to apply the sound.

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