Elegant Tosakin Goldfish showcased in a Batik Shawl

Bunga Amelia


The Tosakin Goldfish, a unique Japanese variety known for its horizontally spread tail fin, is relatively unknown outside of Japan. Due to the limited information available, breeding and caring for these fish is considered challenging, resulting in few breeders. To promote awareness and understanding of the Tosakin Goldfish, artists have incorporated its image into batik shawls, using distilled waterlily plants and stones. The project, titled "Gemulai Tosakin Goldfish in Selendang Batik," aims to showcase the beauty and essence of the fish through five batik scarfs named "The Swaying Tail of Tosakin Goldfish on Batik Scarfs." The artistic process follows A.A.M. Djelantik's aesthetic approach, focusing on harmonizing form, context, and presentation. S.P. Gutami's theory of three stages and six steps guides the artwork creation process. The chosen technique, Colet Tempel, is rarely utilized in the batik industry, providing an opportunity to expand knowledge within the community. The scarves depict the Tosakin Goldfish amidst a background resembling a tranquil pond, complete with leaves, budding waterlilies, and pebbles. This artwork is expected to inspire and educate society, educational institutions, and the textile craft sector, paving the way for further exploration and appreciation.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/asctij.v1i1.10167

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