The Influence of Photography, Tourism, and Media on Self-Actualization

Mahendradewa Suminto


Humans are fundamentally social creatures who are inherently interconnected with their surrounding communities. This interconnection profoundly influences an individual's way of life. Lifestyle is intimately intertwined with societal progress and encompasses various aspects such as social hierarchy, self-image, and self-actualization, all of which contribute to the quest for personal identity. In the present era, travel has become a necessity for many individuals. Sightseeing expeditions serve not only as a means of fulfilling personal desires but have become imperative and significant, as they encompass multifaceted objectives aimed at asserting one's existence. This desire to manifest one's presence is inseparable from the contemporary advancements in technology and the abundance of information. Ever since the advent of photography, tourism has become intricately entwined with the act of documentation, serving as a tool for preserving memories of travel experiences.

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