Muhammad Dicka Ma'arief Alyatalatthaf


Fotografi arsitektur merupakan bagian dari new photography yang bertujuan merekam bangunan dan struktur bangunan buatan manusia dari segi dokumentasi, teknik konstruksi, dan estetika bangunan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi, untuk merekam itu semua dibutuhkan pemahaman dan teknik komposisi fotografi yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan karya fotografi arsitektur khususnya interior di Inspace Studio Bandung. Metodologi penelitian artistik digunakan dengan sumber data berupa foto arsitektur interior. Teknik komposisi fotografi yang digunakan untuk penciptaan karya adalah leading lines dan the rule of thirds. Aspek fotografi arsitektur interior yang dicermati antara lain structure, dynamic lines, dan perspective. Hasil dari penelitian ini, penerapan teknik komposisi leading lines memberikan efek depth of field melalui kedalaman gambar berkat perspektif diagonal dari garis-garis di dinding, lantai, plafon, meja, dan sebagainya. Sedangkan the rule of thirds mengatur komposisi objek untuk mendapatkan efek dinamis dari keseimbangan asimetris agar tidak terkesan monoton. Dua teknik komposisi ini pun mendukung terciptanya aspek structure, dynamic lines, dan perspective yang dicermati saat pengambilan gambar.

Visualization of Interior Design by Inspace Studio using Leading Lines and the Rule of Thirds as the Composition Technique. Leading Lines and the Rule of Thirds Composition Techniques Implementation in Architecture Photography Inspace Studio, Bandung. Architectural photography is a subset of the "new photography" movement, which strives to record images of buildings and other man-made structures in terms of documentation, construction techniques, and building aesthetics.  It is a challenging thing, as to photograph it all requires understanding and appropriate pictorial composition methods. The objective of this research is to provide architectural photography focusing on the interiors of Inspace Studio Bandung. Artistic research methodology is used with the data source in the form of photos of interior architecture. The rule of thirds and leading lines are two photographic composition techniques that are utilized for exploration. Structure, dynamic lines, and perspective are examined as interior architectural photography elements. The results show that using the leading lines composition technique produces a depth of field effect due to the diagonal perspective of the lines on walls, floors, ceilings, tables, and so on. Whereas the rule of thirds regulates object composition to get a dynamic asymmetrical balance effect so as not to seem monotonous. These two compositions also contribute to the creation of structure, dynamic lines, and perspective elements which were observed while taking picture.


architecture photography; interior photography; photography composition; leading lines; the rule of thirds


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