Pelayanan publik di bidang transportasi bagi penyandang difabel masih kurang dapat diakses. Maka, diperlukan inovasi pelayanan publik bagi penyandang difabel berupa sarana transportasi roda tiga yang didesain khusus sesuai kebutuhan difabel dengan tingkat keramahan dan kenyamanan. Penciptaan karya seni fotografi ini terfokus pada ojek Difa Bike yang memberikan layanan mobilitas untuk para difabel dan memberikan informasi tentang ojek difabel yang mandiri sehingga menjadi solusi transportasi tidak hanya terbatas pada penyandang difabel. Penciptaan karya dibuat dalam bentuk fotografi seri untuk menarasikan ojek difabel Difa Bike. Foto seri yang dibuat ialah aktivitas berdasar teori kemandirian intelektual, sosial, emosi, dan ekonomi, dengan menerapkan panduan foto yang menghasilkan rangkaian foto berisi deskripsi berdasarkan tema atau topik tertentu yang sama, yaitu ojek difabel. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi, eksplorasi, ekspermentasi, dan perwujudan. Tahap observasi dilakukan secara langsung untuk mengetahui kegiatan Difa Bike, sedangkan tahapan eksplorasi proses membangun hubungan sosial dilakukan kepada pemilik, para anggota, dan keluarga Difa Bike. Setelahnya, tahapan eksperimentasi dilakukan dengan perencanaan konsep yang terdiri dari ide dan teknik pemotretan serta alat dan bahan. Tahap perwujudan karya seni fotografi dilakukan dengan metode foto seri yang hasilnya berupa karya foto seri berupa karya foto yang memvisualkan aktivitas ojek Difa Bike yang mandiri.
Difa Bike Yogyakarta Motorcycle-Taxi in Photo Series. Public services in the field of transportation for persons with disabilities are still inaccessible. Thus, it is necessary to innovate a three-wheeled transportation facility mainly designed for people with disabilities with a sense of friendliness and comfort. The creation of this photographic artwork focuses on Difa Bike motorcycle taxis which provide mobility services for people with disabilities and provide information about independent disabled motorbike taxis so that this becomes a transportation solution that is not only limited to people with disabilities but can be accessed by ordinary people as well. The work was created as a photography series to narrate the Difa Bike motorcycle taxi. The photo series created was an activity based on the theory of intellectual, social, emotional, and economic independence by applying a photo guide that produces a series of photos containing descriptions based on the same theme or topic, namely motorcycle taxis with disabilities. The methods of observation, exploration, experimentation, and manifestations were applied. The observation stage was carried out directly to find out the activities of the Difa Bike. Exploration stages are carried out to build social relations with the owner and members, and families of Difa Bike. After that, the experimentation stage was carried out to concept planning consisting of shooting ideas and techniques as well as tools and materials. The embodiment stage of the photographic artwork carried out using the photo series method. The result of the creation is a series of photo works that visualise the activities of the independent Difa Bike motorcycle taxi.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/specta.v7i1.9049
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