Rusdi Asman


Seurune kalee is an inflatable instrument that is still owned by the people of Aceh. The existence of seurune kalee untill now is used in the implementation of the intat linto baro ceremony, opening ceremonial event, welcoming guest, and celebrating Islamic holidays. The implementation of intat linto baro uses seurune kalee  as part of this implementation, so that the music played has function in the Acehnese comunity. Performing arts are divided into two groups, namely primary function groups and secondary groups. The main approach of this study is ethnomusicology aided by anthropology, sociology, and history. The metology used in this study is qualitative method. The implementation of intat linto baro uses accompanistment as a sign that a group of families and indigenous people from the linto baro party are connnecting with friendship and ratification of young man and young women in carrying out religious and customary family relation. The songs used are Peumulia Jamee and Ranup Lampuan. This implementation is a sacred ceremonial moment for the Aceehnese particular. Music function during the implementation of intat linto baroe is a means of traditional ceremonies, entertaiment facilities, and means of aesthetic presentation. The implementation of intat linto baro is a simbolic implementation in a society that is religiously and customarily held by a person who initiate and the songs played are known by Acehnese comunity


serune kalee, intat linto baro

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