Musik Liturgi Inkulturatif di Gereja Ganjuran Yogyakarta
Gereja Ganjuran merupakan salah satu Gereja Katolik di Yogyakarta yang sering menggunakan music inkulturatif dalam perayaan liturgi. Penggunaan musik inkulturatif sering kali aspek budaya lebih mendominasi dibanding aspek liturgi yang dirayakan. Jenis musik dan instrumen tertentu yang tidak disetujui oleh sebagian besar umat untuk digunakan dalam perayaan liturgi pun tetap digunakan. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengkaji fenomenafenomena tersebut dalam perayaan Jumat Agung pada tanggal 22 April 2011 dengan berpedoman pada ketentuanketentuan mengenai musik liturgi yang berlaku dalam Gereja Katolik universal. Mengkaji fenomena ini digunakan teori inkulturasi dengan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa musik liturgi inkulturatif yang digunakan dalam perayaan ada yang sesuai dan ada yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan-ketentuan pada music liturgi.
Kata kunci: musik liturgi, inkulturatif, Ganjuran.
The Inculturated Liturgical Music at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church of Ganjuran Yogyakarta. The Sacred Heart of Jesus Church of Ganjuran is one of the Catholic Churches in Yogyakarta that often uses in culturated music in the liturgical celebration. In using the inculturated music, the cultural aspects often be more dominant than the celebrated liturgy. Certain types of music instruments that are not approved by the majority of people to be used in the celebration of the liturgy are still in use. This study is intended to analize this phenomenon, especially in the celebration of Good Friday on April 22nd, 2011 based on the provisions of the liturgical music that are applicable in the universal Catholic Church. The theory that is used to study the problem of this research is the theory of inculturation, and the research method is qualitative method. The result of the research showed that some inculturated liturgical music used in the celebration of Good Friday on April 22nd, 2011 was appropriate, and some of it was not appropriate based on the provisions of liturgical music.
Keywords: liturgy music, inculturated, Good Friday, Ganjuran.
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