Kamera Sebagai Alat Operasi Male Gaze: Analisis Male Gaze dalam Film Horor “Pacar Hantu Perawan”

Diyah Ayu Karunianingsih



Kehadiran perempuan dalam sebuah film horor dapat dilihat dari bagaimana perempuan direpresentasikan dan diposisikan. Film yang dianalisis adalah film horor berjudul Pacar Hantu Perawan. Menurut Lauretis teknik sinematik mengonstruksi perempuan sebagai objek hasrat pandangan bagi penonton dengan menggarisbawahi representasi tubuh perempuan sebagai sisi utama seksualitas dan kesenangan visual. Dalam tulisan ini dianalisis teknik sinematik terutama kamera dengan berbagai pilihan tipe pengambilan gambar (type of shot) yang digunakan. Analisis juga dilakukan terhadap teknik pencahayaan (lighting) dan pilihan kostum. Dari hasil analisis diketahui bahwa teknik sinematik baik teknik pengambilan gambar (type of shot) maupun pencahayaan digunakan untuk melancarkan hasrat memandang laki-laki (male gaze)  dan mengeksploitasi tubuh perempuan demi kesenangan visual. Kamera digunakan sebagai alat beroperasinya hasrat memandang (voyerist gaze).  Perempuan diposisikan sebagai objek bagi pandangan laki-laki yang patuh terhadap tatapan mata kamera (tatapan mata laki-laki). Teknik sinematik mengonstuksi perempuan sebagai objek hasrat pandangan bagi orang-orang di balik produksi dan penonton.

Kata kunci: male gaze, teknik sinematik, perempuan, objek seksualitas




Camera as a Tool of Male Gaze Operations: The Analysis of Male Gaze in Horror Film “Pacar Hantu Perawan”. The presence of women in a horror movie can be seen from how women are represented and positioned. The title of The film being analyzed is ‘Pacar Hantu Perawan’. According to Lauretis, cinematic technique is used to construct women as an object of eyeing desire for the audience by highlighting the representation of the female body as the primary side of sexuality and visual pleasure. In this paper the cinematic techniques were analyzed, especially the camera with its various types of shooting.  Analyses were also conducted on the technique of lightings and costume selection. The result of the analyses shows that the cinematic techniques, either the types of shots or the lightings were used to expedite the male gaze and exploit the female body for the sake of visual pleasure. The camera is used as an operating means of eyeing desire (voyeur gaze). Women were positioned as the objects of the male gaze adherent to the gaze of the camera (male gaze). Cinematic techniques constructed women as objects of male gaze for the people behind the production as well as the audience.



male gaze; cinematic techniques; women; object of sexuality

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Pustaka Laman

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/rekam.v12i1.1384

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