Pembelajaran Online Piano di Concertino Music School Medan: Kajian Kualitatif Pendidikan Non-Formal pada Masa Pandemik

Rachel Yohana Adriana Napitupulu, Andre Indrawan


Sejak awal munculnya pandemi Covid 19 di Indonesia, produktivitas kegiatan pembelajaran musik khususnya piano di lembaga nonformal menurun drastis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji strategi mengajar guru piano dalam menjalankan profesinya di lembaga tersebut agar siswa dapat bertahan belajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Populasi sampel penelitian ini adalah praktisi pendidikan dan partisipannya, khususnya guru dan siswa di Concertino Music School. Penelitian ini mengumpulkan data melalui observasi partisipatif terbatas dengan pendekatan partisipan sebagai observer. Namun, dalam pengamatan ini, seorang guru yang dipilih dan siswanya akan mewakili populasi. Prosedur penelitian meliputi penetapan data, observasi data sebagai pengamat, analisis data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran piano online bergantung pada ketersediaan dan kesiapan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi baik guru maupun siswa. Selain jaringan yang tidak stabil, kelemahan pendidikan online dalam proses belajar piano terkendala oleh petunjuk teknis akurasi bermain piano, terutama keterbatasan layar. Kesimpulannya, untuk mengatasi target kurikulum yang tidak dapat terpenuhi seluruhnya pada siswa karena keterbatasan fasilitas teknologi, guru mengintensifkan pengarahan dan pemberian motivasi untuk meningkatkan kemandirian siswa dalam belajar. Proses pembelajaran piano online ini akan berkontribusi pada pengembangan metode pengajaran musik online di lembaga non-formal dan meningkatkan studi pendidikan musik jarak jauh.


Online Piano Learning at Concertino Music School Medan: A Qualitative Study of Non-Formal Education During the Pandemic. Since the initial rise of the Covid 19 pandemic in Indonesia, the productivity of music learning activities, especially pianos, in non-formal institutions has drastically decreased. This research aims to examine the piano teacher teaching strategies in carrying out their profession in the institution so that students can survive learning. This study utilizes qualitative methods. The sample population of this research encompasses educational practitioners and their participants, especially teachers and students at Concertino Music School. This study collects data through limited participatory observation with the participant's approach as an observer. However, in this observation, a selected teacher and her student will represent the population. The research procedure includes establishing data, observing data as an observer, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that online piano learning relies on information and communication technology availability and readiness in teachers and students. In addition to unstable networks, the weakness of online education in the piano learning process is hindered by technical instructions on piano playing accuracy, especially by screen limitations. In conclusion, to overcome curriculum targets that Canada is fulfilled entirely by the student due to the limitations of technology facilities, teachers increase direction with motivation to improve students' self-independence in learning. This online piano learning process will contribute to the development of online music teaching methods in non-formal institutions and improve distance music education studies.

Keywords: non-formal education; qualitative studies; online learning; piano


pendidikan non-formal; kajian kualitatif; pembelajaran online; piano

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