Dengka Pada dalam Upacara Adat Je’ne-Je’ne Sappara di Desa Balangloe Kecamatan Taroang Kabupaten Jeneponto
This study discusses the traditional dance of South Sulawesi which is the hereditary cultural heritage. This dance is called Dengka Pada which is staged at the traditional ceremony of Jene-jene Sappara. According to the Jeneponto community, this dance has been around since still adheres to the religion of belief (animism/dynamism). This dance reviews the excitement of the community. This research uses qualitative research method with ethnography approach. The collected data is analyzed by data reduction, grouping and validity data. The result of data analysis shows that Dengka Dance In the happiness situation where society Jeneponto have succeeded in harvesting in paddy field. This excitement is manifested in dance movements, both hand and foot movements and the position of the dancer either intact or in a circle. Implementation of Dengka dance This is done both at night and during the day in a crowded place. Dengka Dance In this there is and developed in the environment of the people of South Sulawesi, especially the Jeneponto Community and developed from generation to generation for the supporters.
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