Nina Tri Daniati


Communicating is the most basic human need. In daily activities, every human being has the desire to interact with other humans to find out what is happening in the surrounding environment. In prehistoric times before writing, humans wrote by making pictographs. Along with the times, in the era of the internet and smartphones, the use of pictograms has undergone a transformation with the existence of Emoticons and Stickers. Stickers are a form of socio-cultural adaptation to communicate non-verbally with pictographs that have existed since prehistoric times into digital forms in the internet era. Stickers with facial expressions and body gestures are used to express feelings or emotions that are being felt to the other person through the Whatsapp social media chat application. So that Whatsapp Stickers can make communication easier. As a digital artifact, the design of Whatsapp stickers with the theme of local wisdom is analyzed using the ATUMICS method to obtain the ideal arrangement of its basic elements, including: artifacts (Artefact), technique (Technique), utility (utility), material (Material), icon (Icon), concept (Concept), and form (Shape).



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