The importance of mastering nirmana, both technical workmanship and theoretical understanding is absolutely owned by a senirupawan, especially in the field of design. The theory of nirmana explains the very foundations in a design that accommodates the fundamental needs in designing a work of art and design. Fundamental elements in Nirmana theory such as points, lines, colors, textures and so on are fundamental elements whose existence is absolutely needed in the process of creating a design.
In its development in the early 2000s, both the industrial world and the academic realm had begun to flourish the use of digital techniques as the main tool and a tool to support the creation of design works. With the development of hardware-based information technology on computer devices, led to the development of work production support software, one of which is in the field of design namely design software namely CorelDRAW.
This study tries to identify the application of nirmana theories, namely Nirmana Dwimatra elements found in CorelDRAW design software. The research is strived to find relationships and linkages of the visual elements contained in nirmana which were initially mastered in theory and technical practice manually applied in digital software tools, menus, submenus.Full Text:
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