Perancangan aplikasi kegiatan pariwisata relawan sebagai media penghubung dalam membantu meningkatkan mentalitas dan kapabilitas diri
The consolidation of voluntary tourism trend along with research on young people's travel motivations nowadays indicate new demands in the tourism industry. The existance of volunteer tourists demand new ways contributing, with more diverse activities, shorter duration, and low-budget concept as part of efforts to improve mentality and capability.
“Vacation” designed as a link between tourism volunteers, activity partner, and host potential partners. Providing a more efficient mobile application, including offering activities, registering, searching for accommodation, and trip enhancement, and self-capability. The process of collecting data used a quantitative approach in online surveys and qualitative in ethnographic observations, interviews, literature, and group discussions. The collected data is organizedinto four design stages consisting of Discovering, Determining, Developing, and Delivering. As a result, the design received a good response for answering the user needs through the usability testing and will be refined for launch purposes.
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