Tubuh-Tubuh dalam Perayaan Analisis Wacana kritis foto Pertandingan Sepak Bola Tim Nasional Indonesia Pada Piala AFF U-22 2019 di Media Sosial Instagram

Daru Tunggul Aji


This research discusses how photography is not only used as a conveyor of messages and ideas, but the visual aspects of photography are empowered in a variety of interests, from social issues, politics to advertisement needs. On 26 February 2019, the Indonesian national team U22 competed in the final against the Thailand U-22 AFF championship. Many photos have appeared on Instagram social media. Through the AFF U22 trophy fence mark (#pialaaffu22) the researcher tried to trace and categorize the appearance of photographs on that date. In data collection, there were 504 uploads with photo material, and 134 uploads in the form of videos. After going through the process of data reduction, bodies in celebration of the AFF trophy became a visual attraction. The body of the players is like an interaction space in the middle of the playing field. Through the medium of photography, the frozen body is able to build discourse. Through the critical discourse analysis method of Norman Faiclough's model, this study seeks to dissect photographic phenomena and how virtual societies produce, consume and even construct photographic realities of the bodies of soccer players.



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/dkv.v1i1.3868

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