Rebranding Desa Wisata Kembang Arum untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Daerah di Bidang Pariwisata

Wibowo Wibowo


Tourism is one of the flagship programs of the Indonesian government. One of the tourism sector that is currently heavily promoted is a tourist village. Tourism Village Kembang Arum is a rural area that has some special characteristics that deserve to be a tourist destination. In this region the population still has a tradition and culture that is still relatively original. In addition, several supporting factors such as typical food, agricultural systems, and social systems also color a tourist village area.

Other problems identified in the initial study are: Lack of ownership and low community involvement, Packaging less attractive tour packages and "selling". Not yet realized the infrastructure that supports information technology. Lack of attractive promotions. aesthetic and communicative. Solutions to overcome the problem are: Need to rebranding Desa Wisata Kembang Arum to improve the image, credibility, and profesonalisme; Increased integrated promotion through conventional media and social media websites, webblogs, facebook, tweeter and instagram; All local potentials and features such as traditional food culinary, traditional arts, traditional game-based outbound are improved, and integrated in the Arum Tourist Village Tour package.



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