Naufan Noordyanto


In recent years, the landscape of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) enchanced by the presence of three-dimensional (3D) typographical placemaking in some corner of the city or region. The typographical is artworks of architectural design formed in 3D typography as a sign name of the region/place using a particular typeface that displayed at a particular place (usually a public space), and normally a landmark area/place. In because the tendency of typographical placemaking which used to identify a name of a region/place, so in this study, the author simply call it spesifically as region base typography. But, some case of region base typography in some place, the typeface is designed with generic design., planned and designed uniquely or specifically to respond the visual communication problems of the region. In fact, if the visualization (aesthetic element) region base typography represents the values and image of the region, it will be like "a brand that sells" on the region's branding efforts. In addition, if the region base typography created with (the concept of) a good aesthetic and fulfill the functions as a artwork of brand identity design of an area or region, it will be seen and enjoyed the beauty and charm independently as a work of public art, it can even raise interest and attention the discourse of art and typography. As well as the public can know, understand, and remember the uniqueness of typefaces to identify a particular area. Therefore, this study is conducted to review the quality of the artistic and conceptual frame generally on Visual Communication Design (DKV) perspective, particularly in the disciplines of Typography, related an interesting phenomenon where typography iconic charm of the area as a tourist destination.



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