Semiotika Logo Video Game The Last Story

Ryan Aditya Pratama Warndana


This research has a purpose to understanding The Last Story video game logo within perpective of semiotics and design of visual communication. The Last Story video game logo has a visual and verbal signs to communicate message about concept, root of thinking and philosophy of the game, whether it is game’s storyline or Mist Walker as the game developer. Method that has been used is a qualitative descriptive with Triadic of Sumbo Tinarbuko as a frame of analytics technique. 

There are signed-signifier by Ferdinand de Saussure, trichotomy of icon, index, symbol by Charles Sanders Pierce, and semiotic codes by Roland Barthes as a base theory to help to analyzing in this research.  This research resulting in found of communication within the Last Story video game’s logo has a subjective view, depend on the perspective and deep understanding of the audience, also the logo isn’t always have to follow simplicity of commercial logo standarization.


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