This research is categorized as a descriptive research which shows the situation of marketing condition in Yogyakarta. The effort to describe the facts in the fields is not only collecting and arranging the data, but also analyzing and interpreting the data meanings related to the rhetoric theories. This research is aimed to discover and analyze companies which use pedicabs’ spakbor as their advertising and marketing media. The researcher collected the data by taking audio and visual documentation and interviewing the resource persons, such as the cycle rickshaw, the pedicabs’ owners, and the companies itself which utilize pedicabs’ spakbor as their advertising and promoting media. Under consideration and activities which would be done, the samples which were used by the researcher are Warung Bakmi Jowo P.Jiko, Param Minyak Gosok Enggal Sehat, Rebranding Jogja Istimewa and Hotel Grand Aston Yogyakarta.
The result of this research shows that both companies in Yogyakarta begin to realize the importance of promoting activities. The change of modern marketing causes all companies have to be careful to consumers and make more efforts in creating and doing Integrated Marketing Communication in order to build long-term relationship, maintain and strengthen the brands.Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/dkv.v8i2.1629
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