Giving out facts or speaking through cartoon comics is one of then many from of social interaction. By using this method one needs to understand the language visual grammar so people will understand. Benny Rachmadi is one of the successful cartoonist which have grasps the understanding of using cartoon comics to talk to the public. During the presidential election on July 2014, Benny republish his selected work in a book called “Homework for the President”.
To understand the style and form of communication in Benny Rachmasdi’s comic, this research uses qualitative method using the theory of visual language. The theory of visual language is divided to three steps, wimba content, wimba process, inner and outer expression. The sample are chosen to represent cartoon comic in non-monologue and non dialogue and also in monologue and dialogue.
This research shows that wimba content of Rachmadi’s comic uses representations of the actual figure involved with the topic. Wimba process are taken from the most dominant feature, using thick and thin lines, compact composition and balance layout both visually and verbally. Inner expressions use dramatic and hyperbolic expression. The metaphoric concept is obtained through combing the main thought with other relevant reference. The outer expression is close to the visual language of east.Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/dkv.v8i1.1546
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