Pengembangan Custom Made Signage sebagai Sarana Informasi dalam Struktur Desain Sistem Tanda di Pasar Jrakah Semarang

Abi - Senoprabowo, Muh. Ariffudin Islam


Recently, the Government of Semarang City has been providing public facilities for society
seriously. One of public facilities that is improved namely market of Jrakah. Jrakah market is one of
traditional markets in Semarang which is finished renovated for the interest of society. Visually, the
development concept of Jrakah market already looks good. The problem arises when the seriousness of
government in developing of public facilities only focus on phisical building. Detail of facilities and
infrastructures on Jrakah market is not considered seriously.One of problem which visible is the absence of
good sign system as information facility for visitors, especially buyers. The Sign system which is not
communicative can make them be confused. This research is carried out to understand effectiveness of the
existing sign system, and to propose the design of new sign system which more communicative than ones
before on Jrakah market. To solve that problem, the sign system design method which will be used is Yongki
Safanayong’s ones, that is begun from breakdowning backgrounds, identifying problem, analizing, choosing
strategy, executing, and until finishing. The result of this research is design proposal of sign system which can
be applied on Jrakah market.

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