Arts Festival Negari Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat 2012 undertaken in order to commemorate
the first century of Hamengku Buwono IX as well as 2,5 century of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat,
featuring the character or the privilege of Yogyakarta through works of art by artists with no exit
from the corridors of copyrighted artistic distinctiveness. The works on display most of the particular
character, specific and have their own specialty. Privileges of Yogyakarta with its dynamic,
multicultural, and tolerant of the works reflected on display in the various mediums of expression and
A wide assortment of works of art displayed expression of both the traditional, conventional
and non conventional, such as: painting, graphics, sculpture, video, film, animation, installation,
performance art, digital prints, puppets, mixed media and others.
Not to mention that the exhibition has a variety of craft works of art, such as the art which has
elements of craftmanship. The uncommon art that relies on creativity ideas and handskills in this
exhibition appear surprisingly with exceptional works that have creative potential prospective. These
young artists, among other craft; Karyadi, Fitriasih Pudyo Atmaningrum, I Gde Suryawan, and I Gusti
Ngurah Edi Basudewa.
Keywords: potential, arts crafts, specialty, and Negari Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24821/corak.v1i2.2318
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