Pelatihan Produksi Video Promosi Operator Arung Jeram Kompas Adventure Desa Rambeanak, Mungkid, Magelang

Lilik Kustanto, Agnes Widyasmoro, Dafi Muhammad Hegar Elbaraja


Desa Rambeanak, Mungkid, Magelang merupakan desa yang terletak di wilayah Candi Borobudur. DesaRambeanak memiliki potensi-potensi yang banyak, di antaranya makanan khas, kerajinan tangan, danwisata arung jeram Sungai Elo. Wisatawan arung jeram sungai Elo sangatlah ramai, terlebih pada akhirpekan. Hal ini mengakibatkan bermunculannya banyak operator arung jeram sebagai jasa wisata arungjeram. Salah satu operator tersebut adalah “Kompas Adventure” yang anggotanya adalah anak-anak mudaDesa Rambeanak. Operator tersebut sudah memiliki pelanggan yang sebagian besar mendapatkaninformasi melalui media sosial Instagram dan Tik Tok. Namun, informasi tersebut perlu ditingkatkandengan video promosi wisata arung jeram yang lebih menarik dan informatif. Oleh karena itu, pengabdiankepada masyarakat ini memberikan penyuluhan atau pelatihan dalam pembuatan video promosi agar parakru operator di Desa Rambeanak semakin memiliki kemampuan dalam pembuatan video untukmeningkatkan promosi dan memberikan layanan dokumentasi wisatawan arung jeram. Metode pelatihandilakukan secara tatap muka dengan materi teori dan teknis yang dilakukan dengan berbasis proyek. Setelahmendapatkan materi teori dan pengetahuan teknis, peserta praktik langsung dengan mengerjakan sebuahproyek, yaitu produksi video promosi dengan pendampingan dari para penyuluh kegiatan.

Rambeanak Village located in Mungkid, Magelang is a village near to Borobudur temple. RambeanakVillage has potentials continuously serve as tourist destinations. It has a lot of enchanting wood handicraftsand one of the favorite destinations for the tourists is rafting tour in Elo river. Elo river rafting has a hugenumber of visits, especially on weekends. Therefore, the number of rafting tour operators has been increasing.One of these operators is "Kompas Adventure" whose members are children from Rambeanak Village. Theoperator already has customers who mostly get information about the tour through Instagram and Tik Tok.However, the contents of Kompas Adventure’s social media need to be improved. The media are supposed to beinteresting, informative, and high;ly persuasive. Therefore, this activity provides counseling or training inmaking promotional videos so that the operator crew in Rambeanak Village increasingly has the ability tomake more creative and persuasive videos to improve promotion. Besides, they are also able to providedocumentation services for rafting tourists. The authors implemented face-to-face method during the training,involving theoretical and technical materials carried out on a project-based basis. After getting theoreticalmaterial and technical knowledge, then the participants were encouraged to direct practice by working on aproject. They were asked to create promotional videos assisted by the authors.


video promosi, operator arung jeram Kompas Adventure, promosi

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