Beauty In South Korean Tv Series Drama Based On The Study Of Elements Television Artistic On The The ‘True Beauty’ Series

Handini Rahmawati, Wiwik Suhartami, Budi Irawanto


Beauty In South Korean Tv Series Drama Based On The Study Of Elements Television Artistic On The The ‘True Beauty’  Series. Beauty standards in South Korea have gone global, including in Indonesia. South Korean beauty standards enter Indonesia through the South Korean entertainment industry, such as serial dramas, K-pop, which is often referred to as the hallyu industry. Beauty is often a social issue used in a South Korean drama series. One of the South Korean drama series that raises about beauty standards in South Korea entitled 'True Beauty'. This drama series is about how beautiful standards in South Korea are acceptable when interacting socially. This drama also has an impact to Indonesia, which is now can be reference for beauty. After this drama, there were many Indonesian beauty vloggers who created content related to beauty which was shown in the drama series 'True Beauty'. By using the  of artistic elements of television, this research will see how the picture of beauty in the drama series 'True Beauty'. This research results in how the artistic elements of television are applied in the depiction of beauty in the South Korean tv series drama 'True Beauty'. This study also produces a picture of beauty based on the perspective of the role of other characters when interacting socially with the main character who is not physically beautiful and beautiful because of make-up, which results in three points of view, namely the meaning of beauty, beautiful self-assessment and beautiful judgment of others.


Beauty Standard, Serial Drama Television South Korea. Artistitic elements of television


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