In The Name of “Like This”: The Appropriation of Artwork In Digital Age

Pangeran Putra Perkasa Alam Nasution, Mochammad Wahyu Ghani


The rapidly growing and massive information age in digital media platforms has
created and introduced cultural ramifications on various aspects of human life.
The ongoing era of globalization of the twentieth century has fuel the capability
in digitizing and manipulating information during traffic. Cultural growth in the
new age includes: ―cultural preservation as the main ingredient of the ordinary‖;
the proliferation of electronic visual images; and the construction of a
multifaceted and the individual identity or social imaginary. The artwork
currently is glorifying so many appropriations practices. All the art creations i n
the code of conduct are suitable for one aspiration, and that is the digital aesthetic
market. It is now customary to gather on the variety of artistic creations from
different cultures that are appropriated as new and authentic artwork. Thus, this
article discusses the appropriation for the artwork in the rise of the digital media
platform era. This paper is an anthropological study that refers to the interpretivereflexive paradigm as the analysis of path-work. Digital media is the unit of analysis in this study.


digital information age, artwork creation, cultural appropriation

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