New Show Paradigm of Wayang Klithik Wonosoco
Wayang Klithik Wonosoco is classified as rare because it is only performed
once a year as a means of bersih desa ritual. However, the show still comes
with a new paradigm. The results of the study show that the wayang Klithik
Wonosoco Village has undergone a paradigm shift since puppeteer and several
musicians studied at the Surakarta Kasunanan Palace. This research applied
basic research method by applying the theory of change to enrich the basic
knowledge. The basic understanding of the values of the cultural practices of
wayang shows in the Surakarta Kasunanan Palace is converted to Wonosoco
Village after going through an adaptation process. This article is expected
to be an inspiration for the development of science and practice in the field
of puppet art. The paradigm of Wayang Klithik Wonosoco has changed; as a
result, it becomes new. The changes involve the concepts, methods, forms and
structures of the staging which consists of jejer, babak unjal, paseban jawi,
perang gagal, goro-goro, pertapan, perang brubuh, and tancep kayon. Likewise
sulukan (puppeteer singing) is enriched with several cengkok sulukan of shadow
puppet and pocapan (monologue) as signs of changing scenes in each pathet.
The adaptation process has change the form and structure of Wayang Klithik
Wonosoco show; it becomes new.
Keywords: Wayang Klithik; Wonosoco
Full Text:
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