Analysis and Design of IOS-Based Zikirin Applications Using Agile Scrum

Danang Wahyu Wicaksono


Dhikr is a worship activity in Muslims to remember Allah. Among them by chanting and praising the name of Allah. Dhikr has the potential to alleviate anxiety by involving the repetition of Allah's names or praises, aiding in focus, calming the mind, and strengthening spiritual bonds. This research aims to assist Muslim teenagers in enhancing the quality and consistency of their dhikr practices through a mobile application. The methodology employed is agile scrum, beginning with a needs analysis involving the distribution of questionnaires to actively engaged Muslim teenagers in dhikr activities, as well as a comparison with existing similar applications. The system design phase is carried out using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and storyboard for interface design. The evaluation stage utilizes three methods: Black Box Testing, User Acceptance Test, and Measurable Human Factors. The results of this research demonstrate that the developed application can help users establish a dhikr routine by providing convenience and support in consistently and regularly engaging in dhikr practices.

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