The Applied Media Aesthetics to Visual Communication Design Works Based on Augmented Reality

Namuri Migotuwio


This study aims to reveal the influence of humanism and socio-cultural aspects on aesthetic and technical policies in the works of visual communication designs based on augmented reality in the Pokemon Go Game and Digital Maps (Google Map). Methods of observation and analysis of descriptions are used to dissect various information on material objects. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that human habits in everyday life have a significant influence on artistic decisions and the design of augmented reality-based user interfaces. This shows that aspects of applied media (light, color, time, motion, sound) are important elements that must be considered in most visual communication design works based on augmented reality. These various technical and artistic decisions were made to bridge the interactivity role between works and users (humans) so that they function optimally. Based on this, the design of augmented reality-based designs needs to consider universal human preferences, characteristics, culture, habits, tastes, and ergonomic aspects.

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